All About Crepey Skin

All About Crepey Skin

Throughout all the types of wrinkles, one that isn’t so popular is crepey skin. Even though you may have not heard of ‘crepey skin’, there is a chance that you have it on your body. We’ve done the hard work to help you learn all about crepey skin and what you can do to get rid of it.

What Is Crepey Skin?

Crepey skin isn’t exactly creepy- rather it looks saggy and a lot like crepe paper, which is how it got its name. It’s a type of wrinkle that forms on the skin very finely. Oftentimes the skin which it occurs on is loose, which is important to note to understand why crepey skin forms. Crepey skin feels very light and delicate as compared to the rest of the skin on your body and can show up on the arms.

Why Crepey Skin?

The reason for the development of crepey skin are many and can be different based on the person. One of the most common reasons for any wrinkle to develop is sun damage and overexposure to UV rays. The sun can be very harmful to our skin if we’re exposed for long periods of time and can result in diseases, burns, and even wrinkles. This is how damaging the UV rays can be, so taking precautions like wearing sunscreen can help protect your skin properly. We recommend that you try our Anti-Aging Day Protect SPF 22 on your skin so that you can stay protected when exposed to the sun. This product will help you avoid any aging signs and act as a strong barrier between the UV rays and your skin. It’ll keep you safe and help you maintain a youthful appearance.

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Crepey skin can also be caused due to a lack of hydration in the skin. Hydration is emphasized for several reasons because of how important water is for the body- and it’s no less important for our skin as compared to the rest of our organs. The body requires enough water to keep our skin from falling prone to wrinkles. When we don’t have sufficient water in our skin, our body can develop wrinkles easier and faster. Therefore, keeping hydrated is key to preventing wrinkles. Give our Hydrating Mask a try to keep your skin moisturized and nourished. This mask will help your skin renew its water content, help the skin glow, and keep you looking bright and youthful. Adding this mask to your daily skincare routine will help you see a huge difference in the removal of crepey skin.

Lastly, crepey skin can be caused to due weight loss. Sounds weird, but crepey skin is often loose skin- which results from losing lots of weight and having extra skin left over. However, this isn’t always the case with everyone, so don’t be afraid to exercise if you think you’re going to develop them. If they do end up forming, then using serums like our Swiss Apple Stem Cell Serum 3000 Solution will keep you in safe hands and on a clear route to getting rid of your crepey wrinkles.

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