The 2 Dragon's Blood Products Shannon Uses Everyday

The 2 Dragon's Blood Products Shannon Uses Everyday

Do you know these two uses of Dragon's Blood?

Do you have thin lips?

Shannon does too.

She didn't use to mind, but...

She's heard a few people say things under their breath...

About how she looks like she doesn't even have lips sometimes.

And even her husband...

...who was trying to be helpful...

Made a few comments about pharmaceuticals...

And collagen implants.

She didn't want to risk non-natural products or surgery...

So, she spent a lot of time testing and trying out lots of different products...

None worked.

It was frustrating because, at 50, she didn't have many wrinkles...

Didn't have "smile lines"...

Even her crow's feet were relatively small.

She was active and loved hiking.

It was just her lips.

Her lips were just too thin.

And, as she got older, it seemed like her lips were getting...


A friend recommended the Dragon's Blood Gel by Swiss Botany, and Shannon decided to give it a try.

When it arrived in the mail, she immediately liked the smell. 

She set up a routine to apply the Dragon's Blood directly to her lips twice a day.

After 2 days, she noticed a difference...

After 7 days, her husband noticed a difference. 

After 30 days, one of her coworkers asked what product she was using.

Dragon's Blood Gel

At one point (she doesn't remember when)...

Shannon used her old lip balm and was surprised that she got blisters from it.

That hadn't happened before, and she guessed that it was a reaction between the chemicals in her lip balm...

And the all-natural ingredients in the Dragons Blood Gel. 

So she stopped using lip balms for a while, but that didn't last... 

Because she lived in Las Vegas and the air was just too hot and dry.

Now that she finally had lips...

She couldn't use lip balm? 

What's up with that?

Her lips were even starting to crack from the heat!

Since she couldn't use her old lip balm, so she had to find a new one.

After such an amazing experience with the Dragon's Blood Gel, Shannon decided to try out the Dragon's Blood Lip Balm from Swiss Botany. 

She was a little nervous at first because the blisters had made her stop using the Dragon's Blood Gel for about a week for her lips to heal.

So she did a spot test and waited 24 hours to see if there would be a reaction.

She really hoped there wouldn't...

And there wasn't! 

In fact, the Dragon's Blood Lip Balm made her lips feel butter-smooth...

Which is also something her husband liked.

If you feel like your lips are too thin...

Then here's what you need to do...

Click The Image Below To Order The Dragon's Blood Gel

It helped Shannon! It could help you too!

Dragon's Blood Gel

If you are looking for one of the only Dragon's Blood lip balms out there...

Then, Click Below To Order the Dragon's Blood Lip Balm

 Dragon's Blood Lip Balm

Tell us about your results in the comments!

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