Getting bigger breasts may be something that you have always longed for. Now is the time to do it! There are many home remedies that you can try to get your breasts the size that you have always dreamed of. Are you afraid to try lotions and creams? No need to worry! Here are some of the best home remedies for breast enhancement.
Herbs and Foods
Eating just the right foods can really help you to get your breasts the size that you always wanted them to be. One of the most popular herbs for breast enhancement is fenugreek. Fenugreek is known for increasing the size of your breasts and helping to make them even more firm. It contains phytoestrogen which mimics the way that estrogen works. This helps it to stimulate the growth of the breasts. Fenugreek has also been shown to help mothers who are nursing to produce higher levels of milk.
Fenugreek can be used in a number of ways. You can add it to your lotions and creams and massage your breasts with it each day. You can use fenugreek sprouts and seeds in your food daily. You can add it to your smoothies and you can even find it in pill form to add to your diet. Fenugreek has many nutrients that will not only help you feel better, but also help your breasts grow.
Fennel seeds are another food that you can eat in order to get the breast size that you have always wanted. If you are looking for more dimension with your breast growth, fennel seeds are perfect for you. They contain flavonoids that help to boost the estrogen levels in your body. This will help your breasts to grow greater in size. Fennel tea is one of the best ways that you can get fennel seeds into your body. You can also add them to smoothies and shakes.
Olive Oil and Honey
Olive oil and honey are probably two things that you already have in your kitchen. This is why it makes it easy to use them to help your breasts to grow to the ideal size for you. With the olive oil, you can make a massage oil. You can add your favorite essential oil if you want to add a fresh scent too. Take the olive oil and massage your breasts in a circular motion for about ten minutes a day. This should help the blood flow and circulation.
Honey can be used in many ways too. With the honey, you can massage it on your breasts, just like the olive oil. You can also add warm honey to olive oil to make a breast massage blend. Massage your breasts with this each day to see even better results.
Check out our blog to learn even more ways to enhance your breasts and how Swiss Botany can help you. There are some things to keep in mind when you are trying to enhance your breast size. Stay away from sodas and other sugary drinks. Also, limit your caffeine intake. Caffeine will slow down the production of your estrogen which is key for breast growth. It is also important that you do not take diet pills while you are trying to enhance your breasts. These pills can cause problems with the estrogen and breast tissue in your body.